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Refresh working styles and inspire your staff with a new office design or fit-out

Whether you’re going on holiday, moving house, or just swapping the furniture around ­– there’s nothing quite like a change of scenery to boost our motivation.

It’s exactly the same in the workplace. When you’ve worked in the same office for a long time, the décor and furniture can start to look a bit tired and boring. A drab and dull environment isn’t going to spark the best creativity and productivity from your staff, so it might be time to consider freshening up your space.

Investing in an office fit-out could be the perfect way to inspire your employees, but it doesn’t have to be a huge project. Whatever your budget – from a lick of paint and some new furniture to a complete office redesign – a new look for your workplace could make all the difference.

Encourage hybrid working

With many of us still working from home after so long away from the office, you might be wondering how to encourage staff to adopt a more hybrid approach. We’ve all proven that a lot of jobs can be done just as effectively from home, so what’s the incentive for your team to come back to the workplace?

There is no doubt that having the team together, even just for some of the working week can spark creativity, build bonds and help employees to feel part of the team.

By freshening up the space, buying some new furniture, improving the facilities and making it a more inspiring place to be, your staff might be more enthusiastic about leaving the comfort of their homes more often.

Providing your team with an environment to work in that’s not only functional, but also an enjoyable place to spend time will be the key to successful hybrid working schemes and ensuring a good work-life balance for everyone.

Inspire new ways of working

If you feel your work culture has become a little stagnant, an office fit-out could help to shake up your team’s working habits and create new ways for everyone to collaborate and work together.

Incorporating different areas into your office plan – such as break-out spaces with the ability to work from a laptop or have a quick one to one catch up, meeting rooms and quiet independent work zones, as well as relaxing places to enjoy lunch away from the desk – can provide more flexibility and add some interest to your team’s working day.

With more options than just their usual desk, your employees will have the opportunity to move around and enjoy creativity sessions and casual discussions with members of staff they might not have otherwise interacted with, together with quiet spaces for independent work and larger rooms with facilities for more formal meetings.

Promote Wellbeing

An office refurbishment or office fit out provides you with the opportunity to promote wellbeing. While staff are working at home, many will be working from a small corner within the living room or bedroom. Creating an environment that promotes wellbeing will help provide a welcome relief from the solitude that comes with ‘Home Working’.

By including biophilia to help improve air quality, ensuring good levels of ventilation, introducing sit/stand desks and alternative work settings which promotes good circulation and the introduction of good lighting, you will help to make the workspace comfortable for your employees and help to create good mental and physical wellbeing.

Whether you opt for a complete office fit-out, or a simple refresh, an office redesign could be just what you need, to give your staff that invigorating feeling of working somewhere completely new!

Please get in touch to discuss how we can transform your office into a welcoming and inspiring space that your team will love.
